20 minutes into A Talking Cat!?! and Duffy, the talking cat, still hasn’t talked. Let me remind you that this move is 83 minutes long. 10 minutes of which are credits. We’re a quarter of the way through A Talking Cat!?! and our talking cat has only had creepy thoughts about teenage girls.
On to the current scene, which finds Tina and her mother named…something…being horrible to each other and everyone around them. Tina! Great idea! Why don’t you take an internship with the people mommy is running a catering event for?
According to A Talking Cat!?!, here’s how you run a catering business.
- Do it out of your home.
- Have a single oven.
- Make sure that oven can only make one batch of things at a time.
- Have a menu of only one item.
- Preferably cheese puffs.
Oh, and sit on the couch a lot and yell at your kids and never actually be at the venue you’re catering for.
Today, we will focus on the “sitting on the couch and yelling at your kids” portion of this success equation. Susan called Tina jaded because she doesn’t want to work at a toy company.
Boy, this movie is full of tips. Parents, want to relate to your kids? Call them jaded! It will only make your relationship stronger!
Anywho, Tina just knows what she wants, “unlike some people.” This is a dig at her brother Trent, who ISN’T EVEN IN THE ROOM. He’s not even there! Quit being a horrible human being!
If there is one thing A Talking Cat!?! excels in, it’s showing people enter and exit a scene. Trent will NOT let this “unlike some people” comment stand. In he rushes!
Hold up, Trent! Great idea! Why don’t you take the internship? “How much does it pay,” he asks. “I don’t know,” says Susan. “Goofus,” says Tina. “No, you’re the Goofus, actually,” says Susan.
WHAT IS HAPPENING? What are you even saying or talking about? Is this how human beings talk? Quit being assholes for two seconds!
Now, before you totally get behind the trodden upon Trent, he spouts this gem:
Besides, toys and stuff is for people with imaginations and creative type stuff.
Oh Trent.