Welcome to the website dedicated to observations and analysis of the 2013 direct to video smash hit (assumedly smash hit, how could it not be a smash hit) film A Talking Cat!?!
You may think I’m being overgenerous with my punctuation but you are the one who is mistaken. The title of the film includes an !, a ? and then, after all of that, another !.
Because when you come upon a talking cat you’re pretty excited. I mean, it’s a talking cat! Just like the singing and dancing frog from the old Warner Brothers cartoons who we all agree is probably pretty racist. Not that this cat is racist. Anyway, this cat doesn’t dance or sing and also it’s a cat. Pretty swell.
Hold up. Cats can’t talk, can they? You seem to remember cats not talking previously. But now that you’re in the moment you find your memories misleading. Maybe cats are talking all the time.
No! Cats can’t talk, you finally remember after several harrowing minutes of confusion! That makes this a special cat. Magical, perhaps! Exclamation point!
A Talking Cat!?! is streaming online on various platforms so take a quick look and drop a couple bucks if you must. Your life is about to change. Just like two chosen families, wink! You’ll get that if you read just ONE blog post on.
You should actually watch the official A Talking Cat!?! trailer before we go any further. We’ll go over this miniature masterpiece with a fine tooth comb in future updates. But you need to experience what makes this movie so special before we get into it.
Remember where you are right now because you’ll be telling your grandchildren about where you were when you first saw the A Talking Cat!?! promo trailer. If you want children and your children want children, that is.