When we last left Phil, he told his investment banker that we was going for a walk in the woods. Cut to…
…a car! Guess Phil decided to drive instead of walk. That’s not the worst scripting issue we’ve run into for A Talking Cat!?! So Phil drives.
And drives.
And drives.
Jeez, Phil. Were you really going to walk all this way to your neighbors? Phil finally arrives at…
…whoops. Sorry. Still driving.
And driving. Did I mention this scene has no dialogue? Anyway, still driving.
And driving.
And driv…oh wait! Phil made it! He finally arrived at Susan’s house! So Phil gets out of the car and…
…TWIST! It was Susan the WHOLE TIME! That’s one minute and twenty-two seconds of silent establishment for someone who (A) was not in the previous scene and (B) was never established at another location. We didn’t know she had to get back from somewhere because we didn’t know she was somewhere else! So why do we need to see Susan driving back for a minute and twenty-two seconds? This makes no sense! This is pre-Filmmaking 101.
If you give a rhesus monkey a choice between this scene and a wire mother, it’ll choose the wire mother.
Anywho, Phil is somewhere in the woods coming to murder Susan. It’s a good thing she got back home from wherever so she can be murdered.