Not since Abbott and Costello have we seen a more perfect team than Susan and Tina. Let’s take look at their well crafted comedy routine from A Talking Cat!?!
Tina: Mom!
Susan: There’s a cat in here.
Tina: I know there’s a cat in here. It was just talking to me!
Susan: Why is there a cat in here?
Tina: It just is. Did you not hear what I just said? It was talking to me!
Susan: Here kitty kitty. Maybe it’s hungry. Should I get it some milk?
Tina: No. It talks! Like, it doesn’t just meow. It was just talking to me. Like words. Sentences. Languages! Out loud! To me!
Susan: Tina. Just calm down, okay? You’re scaring the cat.
Tina: I’m scaring the cat? It was just talking to me!
Susan: Where’s your brother?
What A Talking Cat!?! has, that Who’s On First? does not, is a firm lack of listening. The key to being a perfect comedic duo is ignoring your partner completely. Your teammate may be yelling and screaming, but as a comedian it’s your job to treat them with the same regard you’d give a ghost that is asking for 25 cents in bus fare.
Hopefully Susan and Tina do a nationwide tour soon, because their Knock Knock? Barcalounger! routine is so much better in person.